Ignite Your Passion

Need helpĀ reaching your full potential at work and at home? ScheduleĀ a Free Strategy Session and get ready to change your trajectory for achieving your dreams.


Hi, I’m Katie!

Are you struggling to get ahead? Do you have trouble communicating effectively at home and work? Is your work-life balance off-balance?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then let me help you reach your fullest potential in the office and at home. With high performance coaching, we’ll work together using research-based proven coaching techniques along with my recruitment consultant background to give you the tools you need to stand out and achieve your dreams. 

I’ve spent years placing top executives and game changing talent at Fortune 500 and ground-breaking startups around the world.  I've studied the qualities high performers embody in their professional and personal lives, so I know what it takes.

And guess what…you too have what it takes to be your best self and get noticed; it’s just a matter of building consistent practices and habits that will change your mindset.

With high performance coaching, I’ll show you how to create the spark and give you the tools you need to ignite your career and live your best life.

So What is Certified High Performance Coaching?

Certified High Performance Coaching is about helping you attain and sustain your full potential, in all areas of your life. And essentially become a high performer.

High performers are not born, they are conditioned.

This means you, yes you, have the potential to become the superstar talent at the office and in life.  During this process, you'll also learn how to flex some muscles you didn't even know you had.

We'll focus on 5 core areas: Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity, and Influence; and explore how these core areas impact all facets of your life and specifically your confidence, ambition, and competence when it comes to accomplishing your goals.  Throughout the program, I'll help you deconstruct bad habits and reconstruct positive practices that allow you to feel more fulfilled, operate with all cylinders firing, and truly thrive.


Here’s What You'll Get

For 12 weeks, you’ll get a weekly 1-hour coaching call, video or in-person meeting (whatever works best for you), with me. We’ll work together to give you new strategies to push forward and focus on your goals, while eliminating the obstacles that are holding you back.

During each of the 12 sessions we will work on 1 of the 5 pillars to give you the skills and habits to have more focus, energy, & engagement, and more importantly… how to sustain it!

From day one, you’ll come away with a specific tool after each session to actively help you implement these new habits in your work life and personal life. You'll start seeing results right away by reinforcing a new way of thinking.

Are you ready to be more productive, influentialĀ and successful?

Schedule aĀ high performance coaching free strategy session to see how high performance coaching can work for you.
On our first call, we'll talk about techniques and practices that are shared by the world's most accomplished and influential people. Ā And I'll share principles you can use to better master your mind, body, and ability to be more productive and influential every day of your life. Ā 
Start by clicking the button and scheduling a time to talk. Ā I look forward to working with you!
Yes! I'm ready to schedule now >

"Katie provided a great deal of personalized attention. She often referred back to things we had discussed in previous sessions so I got the impression that she was listening and analyzing my situation in order to lead me to solutions. I enjoyed her passion, humor, authenticity, and energy. She did a great job of listening and asking probing questions. She's an excellent coach!"

Principal Software Engineer, Raytheon


50% Complete

Two Step

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